For most of my life, I have been seeking. Why am I here? What is my purpose? Where did I come from?
As I entered the hierarchical corporate world, bit by bit I lost my sense of self. I fell prey to labels and ego self-importance.
To accomplish the many goals that corporate expectations enforce, I became to some degree controlling. I felt I had to be “on” all the time with little room for error.
Around me, I witnessed the negative ego, manipulation, control, lack of accountability and flat-out lies. This became the norm.
To “survive” I had to maneuver myself in and out of delicate political situations while trying to meet expectations and keep the peace. This took a great deal of mental energy that became taxing.
When I left my corporate role and started my own business, these archetypes played out differently. From interactions with CEOs, conversations with shop assistants claiming their territory, peers trying to outdo one another and clients trying to maintain their false sense of self. I witnessed the impact of these archetypes on people and also within myself and how it manifested in the collective unconscious.
People would go to extremes to try to maintain their sense of self within these structures, labels and archetypes.
You only need to turn on the TV or watch YouTube for five minutes and you will see these archetypes being pumped out to the masses. From seducer, enforcer, controller, patriarch, martyr, mother, abuser, tyrant, manipulator, the wise one and the list goes on. I have also come to realise that Tarot, Astrology, Numerology and Horoscopes are all part of archetypes and labels that shape our consciousness and potential actions. While there are pros and cons with these modalities, they have a place in our personal evolution especially given spirit communicates with us with math, geometry, sound and astrology. There are times during our spiritual marriage with source that we will feel drawn to these modalities.
These archetypes are programmed into the planetary brain through the earth body, which our personal brains are connected to through the leylines of our planet, totally invisible to us. We see and experience these programs from our earliest teachers, our parents. If these patterns are not corrected they will continue to be played out leading to destructive actions, painful relationships and many broken hearts. Many of us are here as genetic pathcutters to transcend these archetypal programs from our genetic line. These labels and archetypes are simply coded into a computer program and dispersed throughout the planetary brain. Once identified through compassionate witnessing we can choose to delete these programs.
These labels and programs are layered. It took me some time to be able to see these within myself. I still have missteps with my children by superimposing myself. I find it’s a fine line between being a guardian of my children and equally recognising they have their unique purpose and set of lessons here at this time. Slowly I am learning to let go and to identify these layers of programming.
At the beginning of my awakening, I wanted to know if I was a Starseed or Lightworker and which star system my soul essence was from. A few years into my mission I can see that these are just more labels. Does it matter? No, it doesn’t because we are all from source. What does matter is being of service, taking ownership of our piece and having a sense of duty and responsibility as we pledge our allegiance to Mother Earth. As the Pleiadians have said, Ïf we can’t take care of our planet then perhaps we don’t deserve one!”. This is the hard truth that we are all facing now as we have reached a tipping point in the evolution of our consciousness.
Lisa Renee has a great video on archetypes. I highly recommend watching it if you feel called, “Archetypes of Drama”.
So now every time I see a program appear within myself, I call it out as a program and state, “This is not my real self, eternal self”. I have no title and feel no need to sustain my identity through labels. I don’t use pronouns or any other separation modalities.
We are all part of God’s eternal light, from god we all came forth and to God we all return.
May we all find the courage to let go of these destructive archetypes and find the compassion within ourselves to become inner sustained as a god sovereign free being.
I leave you with this quote
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daugthers of life’s longing for itself. They came through you but not from you and though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
Khalil Gibran – Poet 1883-1931
My love I send you xx
P.S Here are additional articles from Lisa Renee and her Ascension Glossary