In June 2023, a group of beautiful Maya women appeared in Dreamtime (just like the main photo above). The central woman looked right at me and smiled. They then showed me the sine wave. At the time I had no idea what this all meant but now I know it was my initiation into the Mayan calendar and its relevance to the trajectory of our planet and beyond.

A year later in early June 2024, I was visited by a black Jaguar that had golden stars all over its body. She was shimmering with such magnificence and presence. I had no idea what this meant. Then on the 18th of June 2024, I saw the side of the moving serpent (Quetzalcoalt), and again was not able to understand what all this meant.

The Jaguar symbolism in Mesoamerican culture highlights its connection to the spiritual realm and its role as a guide and protector of sacred knowledge. In Mayan mythology it is considered the ruler of the underworld, guiding souls through the afterlife. If the Jaguar appears in dreams, it represents two aspects; it connects with personal power and intuition and embracing the unknown.

I knew there was a connection to the Maya so this became the starting point of my research. I came across two individuals who have helped me put the pieces together. Dr Carl Calleman and Sean Caulfield both in their own way have explored the Mayan calendar and have brought much wisdom to our planet.

On the 19th of August 2024, I read Carl’s blog article and he says, ” As of August 21, 2024 a new trecena of the 8th Wave is beginning and will influence our experience of life and what direction the world takes from August 21, 2024, until June 14, 2037.” Interestingly 2037 is when the true Aquarian age will commence according to Lisa Renee which I shared in a previous blog.

I woke on the 21st of August and felt such an expansive heart opening. I felt this deep desire to serve God’s will and pledge my allegiance to our great mother. This 8th wave is about unity consciousness and moving away from dualism and polarity.

As I started to explore Sean’s work he said in his article, ” The spirit guardian and protector of Earth is Jaguar, who brings magic and miracles, and I think it will take miracles to restore balance.”

One thing that has become overly apparent is that we need to be committed and actively involved in our ascension and growth. To make sense of things, it requires study, time and a good dose of scepticism and trust. There have been times along my awakening that I questioned my sanity. Could these experiences be true or am I being dilutional? There are no outer markers that can completely verify my experience. I have been weaving the story, thread by thread and it has been my heart that has had the ultimate say. I am so grateful to those who have appeared on my path over the past six years. It has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions but I wouldn’t change it. Through this alchemical journey, I have forged a soul that is fearless and knows it is timeless. I would like to thank the Pleiadians and Barbara Marciniak for pushing me to release my fear which initiated my shift during my trip to Noosa in January 2024.

Now that we are in the solar cycle of the Leo constellation, I am feeling the sun’s Krystal diamond energy in a much more magnifed way. The solar flares are alchemically transforming our cells and igniting the solar alchemy within our physical vessels, burning away the unnecessary. It is our bodies that are the alchemical containers and why we have had to embody physically on planet earth to assist and participate with the cycles of time.

The solar Krystal diamond light is bringing all that has been hidden in the shadow to the forefront for our compassionate witnessing. No one and nothing is going to be untouched by this force. Our Family of Dark are also going through this awakening and we each will hold a loving space for all beings to remember their connection to God source as we keep our arms and hearts wide open and welcome them back into God’s eternal light. This is part of our experience of unity consciousness. It is not just for a select few, it is available to ALL.

My journey through the underworld with Pluto in 2019 – 2022 not only pushed me back to the light but it showed me how the actions of humanity over millions of years have impacted our planet and other dimensions.

When I wrote “The Wave” in 2019 and “The Sands of Time” in 2020, I didn’t know that I was channelling this shift. These poems poured through me as did “The Garden of Eden” in 2019.

There is much healing occuring for the Seraphim lineage to which the plumed serpent (winged serpent, also known as the rainbow serpent of our original people) is connected. The Seraphim are from the Gold order, one of the threefold founder flames of the founder races. They are avaian or winged beings and are guardians of the horizontal grid lines of our planet. They too suffered digression and formed part of the fallen angelics.

According to Lisa Renee, “The key planetary location that was directly energizing and keeping this Seraphim consciousness grid and its dark polarity program in place, is in the center of the Middle East, specifically in Iraq and Iran”. It’s no surprise that this landmass has and continues to experience war and killing. They are now being transformed through the solar light and their original blueprint is being restored to serve God’s eternal light. Lisa continues to say, “Many of the fallen have literally seen the light for the first time in eons, and have been revealed into their truth and purpose. This is a homecoming into God Source of such vast proportion, it is not explainable in words. According to the Quetzalcoalt consciousness, the revelation of this Truth has begun and the tears of human suffering at the hands of the dark forces are no longer. The Dark no longer rules the Earth as it has in the last evolutionary Age. Quetzalcoalt has revealed itself and returned to rejoin us, to reclaim creation in the Light”.

Part of my genetics are from the Seraphim so I have been working over the years to heal the schisms in my ancestral line. It explains why the Kookaburras, Stripy the Rainbow Lorikeet, the Hummingbird and the Owl have all appeared to me either physically, in the clouds or in dreamtime over the years. They all desperately tried to grab my attention in one way or another.

The Mayan calendar is about cycles of time and waves of consciousness. I’m sure as I begin my study of the Mayan calendar I will discover deeper layers of meaning.

May we each hold unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness for all that has transpired through the cycles of time.

Remember; every loving action, every loving thought and every loving intention is like a drop of water that runs from your veins into the river which flows into the waters of our mothers womb, where all creation has sprung forth.

I love you all very much xx

P.S I’m so so excited, the energy is amazing and there is so much goodness here for humanity and we are expanding to a level where we will become the guardians of the earth once again.

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